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The Retouching Studio | retouchers.online ✎

The Retouching Studio

Исполнитель, ретушер
beauty fashion lookbook художественная свадебная предметная здания, интерьеры ювелирная newborn портреты другие
  • Об исполнителе

    Hi! I've been retouching for more than 6 years. During this time, I tried myself in different areas of retouching, but at the moment I prefer beauty, high-end, fashion and other commercial photography. I'm also happy to do artistic processing. The cost is discussed individually with the customer, and depends on the terms of reference, tasks and scope of work. Write, I will be glad to cooperate! *more extensive portfolio on Instagram... My skills: - developing RAW files, cropping, color correction - clipping, cleaning and replacing the background - collage - fine retouching: removing dust, scratches, bumps - Frequency decomposition - Dodge&Burn - Skin color - Working with hair - Teeth whitening - Plastic surgery
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  • Условия работы

    Предпочитаемая заработная плата:
    от 40000₽ до 150000₽
    Цена часа:
    от 200₽ до 1000₽


Максимальное количество фотографий 20