I am a professional photo retoucher. More than 3 years.
I am doing:
Hi-end portrait: skin, eyes, hair, etc. (keep skin texture like magazine quality)
Retouching face
Color / Tone / Contrast Correction
Body shaping
Posture correction
Whatever you want:
- Blemish Removal
- Skin smoothing
- Reshaping
- Removal
- Color adjusting
- Color grading
- Cropping
- Color Matching
- Color Changing
- De-Aging
- Object Removal
-Image Re-Sizing
Why choose me?
1. You will receive high-quality photo retouching as soon as possible!
2. I will discuss with you every detail and every wish.
3. You will be 100% satisfied. If you don't like my work, I will refund your money.
4. I will always be in touch. Before and after placing an order. Do not worry!
5. I can tell you how your photo will look better!
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